New RGH mammography machine offers comfortable exam, clearer image-banner

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New RGH mammography machine offers comfortable exam, clearer image

By Christina Calloway: PNT senior writer
Published: Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

Christa Prewitt no longer fears her annual mammogram appointments. She described her experience with past mammograms as painful.

The discomfort associated with older mammogram technology didn't stop her from being consistent with her yearly appointments, but now that Roosevelt General Hospital is using digital mammography, Prewitt says her fears of pain are at ease. Prewitt was the second patient to receive a mammogram using the new technology in September.

"Oh my God, I can't believe how much nicer it was," said Prewitt about an experience she once dreaded.The 66-year-old widow has been receiving mammograms yearly since she was 40. She described the older mammography machine as cold and uncomfortable. Click here to read the full article...